My lace project Gust is coming along slowly. I had to frog back several times. You know the saying; Good things come to those who wait, well that is so true. I am enjoying the challenge. I really have to concentrate on the directions so I don't miss a yarn over. Last week Jennygirl suggested I put in a life line. I have followed her advice and I am feeling a bit more confident with my lifeline inserted after each repeat. So far I have finished two repeats. Here is the progress of Gust. It is so beautiful! The yarn reminds me of a few of the flowers that are blooming in my garden.

This pretty Peony is still blooming. This plant is in it's prime peak time for the season. I actually dug part of this plant from the house were I grew up. These peonies grew on the south side of my parents home. I always looked forward to the spring when I knew these pretty flowers would make their debut.

I also noticed that the delphinium's have just started to bloom. They blues are so gorgeous. The colors are reminding me of the yarn I'm using for Gust.

This peony is one of my favorites. I just adore the deep pink color. The blooms are almost finished for the year. I am always amazed at the size of these flowers. The blooms are larger than my entire hand!
This is not the most flattering shot of this...but here it goes.... Susan if you are reading this is for you! I put my Wicked sweater on some scrap yarn so I could try it on. It seems to be fitting real well. I am really

The lace and the sweater are both looking lovely. :-)
I envy those who have the patience to work on projects with row after row after row of stockinettte stitches. I just can't do it! ;-Þ
Your flowers are gorgeous! :-)
Love the flowers and the sweater. I always pop a DVD in and knit when I have monotonous knitting. That way I'm thoroughly distracted with something on the big screen and don't really have to pay attention to my knitting. Maybe that will help you get through the stockinette...
I must be in a warmer area because my peonies bloom around Memorial day. They are beautiful! To get through the tedious I...watch a movie and knit Masterpiece Theater really helped a cardigan I was working on. Put a saftey pin on the row your working on and knit away. Then you can actually see your progress and it becomes a challenge each time you start. It helps to blog about it because then people start to ask you what happened to that one project and it makes you want to get it done. Any help?
Super good idea for the lace and the lifeline...I'm just finishing up a lace scarf - my first lace project.
And those peonies are gor-gee-ous!! I never saw peonies growing up in Arizona. It wasn't till I was living in Rhode Island that I saw them - and I fell in love! I told DH that I want peonies in the yard once we finally - FINALLY - whenever that is - decide to landscape. I'm jealous of your peonies!
your lace is looking good! most of all, have fun with it!
Imagine if they could develop an ever-blooming peony, one that would be in bloom all summer long! Heaven!!
I'm the opposite of you. I could knit stockinette stitch all day long. I usually have the TV on though and often a baseball game. Maybe that's the key.
The lace scarf is looking good. And I enjoyed seeing the flowers too.
So far so good! Gust is coming along nicely and glad I could help.
I always keep at least three projects otn, so that with tedious projects I can switch on and off.
Knit Wicked when you sitting around chatting with friends and you don't need to concentrate. Or while watching TV.
Beautiful flowers as always. Thanks for the pics!
I love your blue Delphinium. It is very lovely. The Peonies have never bloomed as good as they did this year. Some of them had 5 flower open on one stalk. I have never had that happen before. Just amazing.
gorgeous flowers! we had some mystery plants come up beside huge red pine...we decided instead of mowing down, wait and see and guess what? they are peonies. i think they are planted way to close together, need to be in a better spot but are dayglo fuchsia pink. mark has started to bring me home bouquets of wild flowers which is sort of illegal here, but what the heck...i dont expect the flower police knockin at my door and he only picks a few. today he came home with some amazing ones and then he cut the biggest peony to finish off the grouping. check my blog for my scarry experienc today.....oh, love the coral sweater!
your flowers are beautiful. My peonies are now long gone. Love the delphinium. blue in the garden is one of my favorites.
Still have not gone back and tried a lace project again. My mind wanders too much. I do the safety pin trick when I'm on the foot of my socks. Love see how much I did in one sitting.
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