I finished another neck warmer last night. The yarn is a shiny and soft recycled cashmere. The yarn has a real natural sheen to it. Not to mention the pure feel of the fiber. I don't know if any other yarn could feel as good as this one. Aah, cashmere. Don't you just love it? I wish my stash was full of the soft yarn. I would love to be dressed only in cashmere. Maybe I could get a cashmere goat? No, I need a whole herd of goats. Maybe quit my job and raise cashmere goats. We have plenty of room to raise them. DH will have to put up more fences. Whoops, I was just doing a little dreaming there. We did have goats for a few years. I even milked one for a whole summer until she kicked me in the face! Our goats also loved the taste of wood. They ate about half of the south side of the barn. Goats are cute but destructive creatures. Sorry, no more goats for us!

I took this picture of myself just before going to the gym. Oh yeah, I'm back on workout road! So far 3 workouts with my daughters friend who is a trainer. Wow, I almost feel like I'm not going to make it through the sessions. The gym has a defibrillator on site. I did check! I do know that she is not going to kill me but it feels like maybe....No, I'm so glad I'm back on the healthy wagon.

The weather is changing just a bit. We have had a few warm days. Also lots of sunshine. The snow has been melting like crazy. I actually have streams flowing through the snow.

As the snow melts it has no where to go. The ground is still frozen so the water collects in low areas. Factor in the cold nights and we have ice all over. Actually we have several skating rings! I love to ice skate. I have not skated in years. Anyone want to go ice skating with me?

Look what I found in one of the perennial beds. That's right, spring bulbs trying to pop through the hard soil. How beautiful to see the cute green shoots. I know we have more cold and snow on the way. It's nice to know that spring has almost sprung!

Another sure sign of spring are Peeps! I adore Peeps! I especially like them when they get a touch stale. I open the box a tiny bit and let the air do it's job. Then all the sugar that coats each tiny peep. Yum! I only like the yellow ones. I can taste whatever chemical they add for color in the purple and pink and blue ones. I know, I'm still not eating any sugar or white flour. No Peeps for me! At least I could look at them and take a picture to remind me how much willpower I have.
Am I the only adult on the planet who loves Peeps? Come on, share your story with me!!
Fun post! First of all, good for you that you're working out. I usually walk/run 2.5 miles per day, but I've been sick. Second, I don't even know what cashmere yarn feels like. Maybe that's a good thing.
Peeps! You like Peeps! Who knew!? I do have a Peeps story: my son and his friend used to have "Peep Wars". They'd stick wooden toothpicks in each Peep like they were holding swords and face them off in the microwave. When the microwave poofed out the Peeps, whichever Peep stabbed the other fastest won the challenge.
Perhaps we should have let him watch TV....
Those little neck wraps are so cute, and look great on you!
Such a fun blog, I'm glad we have found each other's blogs!
You can email me anytime! nhknittingmama AT comcast DOT net!
I've never really liked the taste of Peeps, but my husband is crazy for them.
The neck warmer turned out great. A nice project for a luxurious yarn.
Sorry, I'm not a Peeps fan. My niece is though, and entered a Peeps contest where she dressed up 4 Peeps like the Beatles and made a scene like Abbey Road.
Ooh, that snow looks very pretty but awfully cold...
Very cheerful and lovely pink neck scarf!
Ohhhh I ADORE peeps. My kids can't have them (allergic) so I haven't bought them in YEARS, yummy,yumm,yumm! Way to go on the work out, I seriously need to committ but I am afraid I must admit, I am lazy :(
Guess what (this may sound silly but I am so excited) my kids,hubby and myself get to be greeters at our church on Easter Sunday. I am so excited. I get to dress up in my Sunday best and greet everyone while entering. The kids are even excited. We have never had a chance to do it and it will be sooo fun, we are one of the youngest families that attend and everyone is so nice to us. They get such a kick out of shaking hands with the kids (remind me to tell you what Miss Priss says about it) heehee. Oh, I almost forgot, I thought about you the other night, we got an ice storm and I wondered if you did too. So fun having friends from all over:)
Hmmm, What are peeps? I've never heard of them? Maybe we don't have them in Canada. That happens with a lot of things.
Way to go with the gym stuff, I'm trying to get back into it too. This week I didn't get as many sessions in as I wanted, but the weeks not over yet right, and last week was pretty good. I hope to do better next week.
Oh, Hurray!!!! The bulbs are starting to peep up!!! There is a little spot of green at the end of this snowy tunnel. Thank goodness. Love to read your blog, always something happy. :-)
If you have a chance stop by my blog to read about our peeps entry.
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