I have been knitting some necessities while watching the Olympics each evening. The first must have home project are felted coasters. I found the pattern in the May issue of Creative Knitting Magazine. I worked on these while cheering for the the historic men's 400 relay. That was an awesome moment in sporting history!

I puchased Bernat Felting Natural Wool yarn at Hobby Lobby. The colorway is called Happy Bouquet.

I did notice that this yarn bleeds quite a bit. The felting process fades the color.

I have picked 4 peaches from one of my peach trees. I know what you are thinking.....I should have a bushel of peaches by now. Let me show you why I don't.

We have been invaded by Japanese Beetles. I have never seen anything like this infestation before. We have them by the thousands.

In one day they ate all of the leaves on my plum tree. One day!

We have 4 traps set near the garden. In 12 hours one of the traps were filled to overflowing. Even my DH was totally grossed out as he changed the old bag to dispose of them. The sight is like something out of a horror movie. I have to say that the sight would gag a maggot!
I'm so sad about your fruit trees. I hope they aren't permanantly harmed!
I am a Phelps Phan! I love watching him swim. Even more so than the gymnastics which is all I ever used to watch. It's been awesome.
Good to hear from you too. I was beginning to wonder if you were on vacation or having internet issues.
Oh, those bugs are disgusting. We had them last year on our fig tree, but not quite as bad. So far I haven't seen any this year! I need to find some of those traps.
Oooh, gwoss, as my 3 year old granddaughter would say! So sad to hear about those much-antipated peaches...was getting excited about you making ice cream and then telling us about it - I can certainly live vicariously through others!
The Olympics are so exciting! I can't knit and watch at the same time cause I'm currently working on a lace sock for Smackdown and have to concentrate....but when the swimming is on, I work on mindless knitting like coasters or mitered squares.
Hope the bugs move elsewhere soon, really soon.!
The coasters are cute. The bugs are not. :)
yikes! havent seen any here...knock on wood. have you tried setting a trap near the tree so they go into that instead of the tree?
I like the coasters even if they did fade. Phelps is Amazing! Hey, I might not know what I'm talking about but seems like I read or saw something on TV about not using the bags. Something about them just inviting more beetles. I don't know looks like you have an infestation regardless. So sorry to see it. YUCK!
BTW, love the quilt in the background behind the beverage!
so sorry about the japanese beetles, love the coasters, and that photo with the quilt in the background, just gorgeous!!
Love the quilt in the background! And the coasters. Not the bugs. LOL
And, Oh, Yah! Love, love, love the peaches! You can blame the beetles on the Fall. Thank you, kindly, Mr. Adam Man.
ewww...horrible bugs....eww ewww... I hope your trees are ok for next year :-( We have a LOT of earwigs this year, and some weird bugs I've never seen before are getting quite a bit of my garden (but I think that's more due to my inexperience with gardening than anything)...
Cute coasters....bad beetles!
I have never seen any beetles like those before!! I hope those traps help, Thank you for dropping by my blog and sharing your heart.I will be back to read more now that I can find my way to you my sistah!!
Aloha Lorie
The coasters turned out nicely, and I am surprised the uarn bled that much. That stinks.
Sorry to hear about the beetles. I would be freaking out with all those bugs. Yuck!
Your peaches do look delish though.
Yucky bugs - but I LOVE the cute quilt in the background of the 1st pic.
BLECH!!! I HATE beetles. They have done a terrible number on my garden this year. Worst I have ever seen. I must say, the coasters are adorable, even if they did bleed, it gives them that "loved" look :)
I too have been told for years to never use the beetle bags, they release some sort of hormone/fermone (dunno which Mone lol) but it actually draws beetles from all over to it....we started using Seven Spray (I know, I know) but I was DESPERATE and it worked!! Also, you only use it twice during the season. The guys at the golf course my husband goes to told him about it, they all use it.
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