This is the newest addition to the family. She is a beautiful 10 year old dark bay quarter horse. I have been searching for a petite horse for about a year. This little beauty fits the bill perfectly. I don't have a name for her yet. I was hoping you all could help me out with some ideas.

After week of riding I must say she has the smoothest stride I've ever ridden. Hmmm, I wonder if I could knit and ride at the same time?! LOL!! After going for a ride my body doesn't feel as fatigued. Another positive quality is how short she is. I am much closer to the ground! A big plus as I get a little older.

This horse has quite the personality. She acts like such a lady. She is sweet and majestic. She is so interested and curious about what's going on around her. She is eager to please but not a pushover. She is quite sassy and independent. So, what do you think? Any ideas on the perfect name?
I am never very creative at naming things, but I'll give it some thought. :-)
She is a beauty! I like the idea of a shorter horse. The few times in my life that I had the opportunity to ride a horse, I was quite intimidated. I think I'd feel more at ease on a horse closer to the ground. ;-Þ
how about Sassy for your horses name! LOL we had a cocker spaniel called Sassy years ago (named after Sarsparilla though)...
I read your description and the first name that came to mind was Elizabeth, as in the Queen or our Elizabeth Taylor. Petite with attitude and charm.
She is beautiful!! I miss my horses terribly when I read about yours. :-)
Cashmere....Cassie for short. She is short, you said. ;-)
She's a beaut and a very lucky horse.
What a beautiful horse. I wish I knew how to ride.
She looks so regal and ladylike... What about Lady?
Gorgeous gal! Congrats on your new addition.
Knitting and riding made me laugh!
Hmm, I thought of Sassy too, like someone else said. Regal names are cool though too, especially since you said she's majestic.
I like Lady ____ like someone else said.
Nothing is coming to mind right now. I'm never very good at naming animals. I had a canary once, that I just called Bird. You're probably looking for something better than Horse, though.
Ayra (pronounced R E ah) Svit-kona
The Elf princess from Eragon & Eldest. She was wise, regal, beautiful, kind, and a warrior.
Congratulations on your new additon!
She is very beautiful! From your description of her personality I think you should name her Scarlett....as in Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind.
Prairie Dawn. Lady Jane. Annabelle. :-) Harrah...except I'm not sure of the spelling - Harrah was the wind goddess.
I love horses, I used to ride when I was younger.
I like the name Sassy Star
She is beautiful, and deserves a beautiful name. Congratulations on your new addition. I will have to give her name some thought.
She is beautiful, I love the blaze on her face. Blaze?
Ohhh she is soooo pretty. Mr. Mann wanted me to share the two names he thought of for her. Lady Madge and Miss Majestic. I personally thought they were both cute and would not be able to pick LOL lotsa help I am huh!
How about the name........
Sassyfrass (like the tea)
Sassy for short
I like Sassy myself. I have always liked that name, its different. The horse is absolutely beautiful. May you two have lots of wonderful rides together.
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